Looking back at Muziekgieterij’s stage at Best Kept Secret 2023
Judging by the ever-increasing number of music fans flocking to the Muziekgieterij stage, Best Kept Secret was definitely not a well-kept secret. Right from Glass Beams’ first show on Friday through to Lime Garden on Sunday, the area was considered a place where musical connoisseurs got their money’s worth. In this tree-lined Muziekgieterij stage, decorated with parachutes, chandeliers and bells, the Heaven Sessions with music and interviews took place. The Brabants Dagblad suggested that these Sessions at the edge of the woods were among the festival’s best-kept secrets.
‘Since the first show, there was an immediate attendance,’ says Muziekgieterij managing director Richard Loomans. ‘Last year, we launched the Heaven Sessions-a collaboration between pop magazine Heaven and Muziekgieterij. That immediately tasted like more and it was noticed then too. This year, we gave the area a decorative touch-up, further showcasing our style and views on hospitality and music. The response to our area was all very enthusiastic.’
Thirteen acts
Thirteen acts performed over three days. According to artistic director Wim Smeets, these bands reflect the spirit of our times. ‘In particular, the rise of feminist post-punk bands was strongly reflected in our programming, which was of course based on Best Kept Secret’s line-up. Diversity, inclusiveness and equality are core values we hold dear. Bands like Cumgirl8, CLT DRP, Big Joanie and Billy Nomates impressed not only musically, but also through the message they conveyed. Relevant music, that’s what BKS and our Heaven Sessions are all about.’
The overall line-up looked like this: Glass Beams (AU), Cumgirl8 (USA), Billy Nomates (UK), Stoop Kid (B), The Cool Greenhouse (UK), Hammok (Nor), CLT DRP (UK), Big Joanie (UK), De Toegift (NL), Sorry (UK), Yot Club (USA), Bumble B Boy (AU/NL) and Lime Garden (UK). The sessions themselves can be seen via our Watch page.
Complete package
Outside the session appearances, there were also two full shows. On Friday, Belgian indie rock band Stoop Kid performed, captivating with its catchy song material, as did De Toegift a day later, who were highly regarded in a fairy-tale-lit area with a mixture of ‘proper language’ poetry and contemporary indie. Wim Smeets: ‘Every evening we closed with a nod to the Burgundian Maastricht with French Chansons. Surprisingly many people came to chill and dance while Jacques Brel poured his heart out in the background. Remarkably, this atmosphere and music attracted many young people in particular.’
Heaven Sessions
Fixed part of the Heaven Sessions are the interviews after the shows. According to Heaven editor Ludo Diels, the sessions are a complete package: ‘Especially starting bands can use a helping hand. We arrange a photo shoot with Hugo Thomassen as a regular feature and record some songs as well as the interview as a stream. Bands can use that material in terms of promo. We provide content.’
The second edition of Muziekgieterij stage, compared to the first year, marked quite a step forward. The intimacy of the music was maintained while the magic of this special place and the various musical stories that passed by will resonate with the audience for a long time to come.
Text: Ludo Diels
Photos: Han Ernest